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3-2-1 Class - Slide image

Every Sunday until November 10, 2024

1:00pm – 2:15pm

Location: 14 S Main Street, Gainesville, Florida 32601

Category: Adult Education | Coordinator: Josiah Horst

Each semester at City Church we aim to provide a formal opportunity for people to freshly consider Christianity and talk about it in a setting in which honest questions are encouraged and heard. In the past we've hosted Christianity Explored (overview of the Christian faith that tracks through the book of Mark) and Questioning Christianity (compares Christian approach to subjects like suffering, justice, etc. with secularism and other options).

This fall we are trialing a wonderful new course called "321".   The purpose of 321 is to introduce people to Jesus and to look at God, the World and Ourselves in light of Him. Our deep desire is for all people, whether Christian or not, to fall in love with Jesus and for their hearts and lives to be changed. 


  • 321 begins on Sunday, Oct. 20 and will run for four consecutive weeks. 
  • Each session begins at 1pm and will end around 2:15pm. We will meet in the Main Street Suite.
  • Lunch will be provided
  • Each session will consist of two short videos and time for reflection and discussion
  • In the first week we’ll look at Jesus and ask our guests to examine his significance and character. Then in the subsequent three weeks we’ll see life in light of Jesus. We’ll look at God in three persons; the world with its two representatives, Adam and Christ; and finally, at ourselves and the invitation to be one with him (3-2-1).
  • The class will be hosted and led by Chipper Flaniken and Josiah Horst (City Church intern)