It's Been One Year! + News/Updates
It's now been one year (52 Sundays) since COVID altered the rhythms of community life here at City Church. For three months our Sunday gatherings were online only, and for the past nine months we've been meeting outdoors and online. Community groups have followed a similar schedule.
Individual and corporate losses have mounted, and they are certainly worth lamenting and grieving. At the same time, God has been remarkably gracious to us as a church family. He's protected us physically, given us alternate ways to grow spiritually, and opened unique doors for service in the Gainesville community. Believe it or not, there are actually quite a few new folks who have become part of our church family in the past year! They haven't even seen the inside of our church building, but they are worshipping with us and even serving.
I want to say a huge "thank you" to the City Church family. You all have been remarkably resilient and generous. I could not be more proud to be one of your pastors. Whenever I think of you corporately - Philippians 1:3-5 immediately comes to mind. The next 12 months will bring fresh challenges (and joys!), and I'm beyond glad to be walking through them with all of you.
A few updates:
- We are doing everything we can to resume an essentially full slate of children's ministry classes. The target start day is Easter Sunday (April 4) during the 9am service only. These classes will likely be in the First Magnitude Warehouse and on their deck. We sent a survey to families about the option to drop their kids off at our building and then worship at First Magnitude, but so far it doesn't seem like enough families are comfortable having their kids at a different location than the worship gathering.
- We are now "live-streaming" our pre-recorded worship services on Saturday nights. In other words, we are recording them in one take rather than piecing things together in post-production. We aren't releasing them for public viewing until Sunday morning, but that could change at some point. There's also a chance we will start allowing some people to join us in person for the Saturday recordings.
- We're not yet sure when we will go back inside for our Sunday services. We're working diligently with the elders and health team to make a wise decision, and we'll keep you posted! Hopefully we'll be back inside soon!
- We've revamping our website a bit to help you get a better picture of how you can join us in serving the Gainesville community. Stay tuned! Community engagement has been a major challenge in this COVID age, but opportunities do exist. They just require more work and flexibility.
- Easter services will be held at 7:30am, 9am, and 10:45am at First Magnitude! Good Friday service location and time TBD.
- All of our ministry teams still need volunteers! Reach out to us if interested in serving with the A/V Team, Hospitality Team, Children's Ministry Team, or Worship Team.
Love you all!
More in The Pastor's Desk
February 4, 2024
Sunday Evening Service UpdateMarch 8, 2021
It's Been One Year! + News/UpdatesMay 31, 2020
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