Southwest Garage Parking validation code: K54KMKZ

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The City Church Mission (our daily calling as a church family):
"To be and make disciples of Jesus Christ."

 The City Church Vision (where we believe God is taking us):
"An authentic community walking with God in our city."



An authentic community…

We’re real people. We have real problems. We don’t cover up our blemishes or try to look better than we are. Instead, we admit our need for a real Savior – one who rescues us from ourselves, heals our brokenness, and forgives our rebellion. This Savior is Jesus.

We’re reconciled people. Our lives have been genuinely impacted by the grace of God. Through Jesus, we are joined in fellowship together as a community. Those previously torn apart are brought together. Those previously defensive are softened by God’s love and eager to share their homes and lives with others. Those who based their identities in a thousand other things now find their identity in Christ.


…walking with God…

We’re redeemed people. We who once were in bondage to sin and despair have experienced the truest freedom imaginable. By the grace of God through Jesus, we no longer carry the burden of sin, but are set free to live the lives that God designed for us.

We’re restored people. We delight in knowing the God who created us. We experience the sweet joy that comes from a true, deep, intimate, loving relationship with Him. Our lives are now oriented around following and pleasing God, who has loved us more than we deserve.


…in our city.

We’re renewed people. We have new life through Jesus, and we want to share that life with others. We align our lives around the heart of God – the renewal of all things. We actively engage our neighbors and serve our city to show and share the love of Christ.



Core Values


We desire to be a community prepared to live as Christ followers by God’s grace. (Read more)


We desire to be a prayerful community of Christ followers who pray steadfastly and selflessly as a body and as individuals. (Read more)


We desire to be a passionate community of Christ followers who love God with authentic, sacrificial zeal. (Read more)


We desire to be a community of Christ followers who are present in the lives of Christians and non-Christians, including family members, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. (Read more)


We desire to be a purposeful community of Christ followers who boldly express the gospel in both word and deed. (Read more)