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Sunday Evening Service Update

Our January Sunday evening "pilot" services have been wonderful - one of the highlights of my week. We need to pause them for now though to discern ways to make them more sustainable for staff and volunteers....

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It's Been One Year! + News/Updates

It's now been one year (52 Sundays) since COVID altered the rhythms of community life here at City Church. For three months our Sunday gatherings were online only, and for the past nine months we've been meeting outdoors and online. Community groups have followed a similar schedule....

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Hell and Racial Injustice: A Pastoral Letter

The sermon for this Sunday's online worship service is from Mark 9:42-50, and therefore deals with matters of sin and hell. There's never an easy time to consider these words from Jesus, but I've been particularly restless the past 72 hours as we've all seen the news about the killing of George Floyd. Lord, why this passage? And why this week?...

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Loving Our Neighbors During COVID-19

How we can love our neighbors during COVID-19...

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Final 3/15 Services Announcement: Services Canceled

March 15 services have been canceled...

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COVID-19 Update: March 14

An update on our 3/15 Sunday morning services....

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City Church COVID-19 Update - March 12

An update concerning this Sunday's services (3/15) and opportunities to serve our city....

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Joy, Love, and the Coronavirus: A Pastoral Letter

What do joy and love have to do with the Coronavirus? How might a crisis be an opportunity for sacrificial service rather than self-preservation and fear?...

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What I'm Reading + "The Unpardonable Sin"

Explore the resources our pastoral staff is currently reading, plus learn more about "The Unpardonable Sin". ...

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