Good Friday Service (Full Service)
April 10, 2020 Pastor: Chipper Flaniken Series: Good Friday
Topic: Jesus Passage: Mark 15:21–39
Want to participate in our Good Friday all-church watch party on 4/10 at 8pm? Send us an email ( and we'll send you the link! We'll be monitoring our email address throughout the day.
If you would like more information about anything or would like to leave a prayer request, please visit and fill out our digital connection card.
If you would like to give to City Church, you can do so online at
Song Credits:
"Come, O Sinner" by Sovereign Grace Music
"How Deep the Father's Love For Us" by Stuart Townend
"When I By Faith My Maker See" by Jay Hand and Joseph Hart
"Well Done, Good and Faithful" by Andrew Peterson
"Were You There When They Crucified My Lord"
Song copyright permissions granted by CCLI Streaming License.