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The Resurrected King (Full Service)

November 15, 2020 Pastor: Chipper Flaniken Series: The Cross and the Crown

Topic: Jesus Passage: Mark 15:42– 16:8

Sermon: "The Resurrected King" | Mark 15:42-16:8 | Chipper Flaniken

Sermon Points:

I. You Never Know Who's Seeking

II. Someone Moved the Stone

III. Jesus Wanted to Meet Up 

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Song Credits:

"Christ is Risen" by Matt Maher

"Death in His Grave" by John Mark McMillan

"The Lord is My Salvation" by Keith and Kristyn Getty 

Song copyright permissions granted by CCLI Streaming License.

More in The Cross and the Crown

November 8, 2020

What Our Savior Endured (Full Service)

November 1, 2020

The King of the Jews (Full Service)

October 25, 2020

Fighting and Fleeing (Full Service)