Passions and Prayers (Full Service)
March 14, 2021 Pastor: Chipper Flaniken Series: Pure Religion
Topic: Christian Living Passage: James 4:1–4
Sermon: "Passions and Prayers" | James 4:1-4 | Chipper Flaniken
Sermon Points:
I. The Fruit of Selfish Passions
II. The Potential of Godward Passions
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Song Credits:
"Raise a Hallelujah" by Jonathan David Helser, Melissa Helser, Molly Skaggs and Jake Stevens
"Only By Grace" by Jay Hand and Zach Tyson
"Be Thou My Vision" by Mary Elizabeth Byrne, Eleanor Henrietta Hull
"O Praise The Name" by Benjamin Hastings, Dean Ussher, and Marty Sampson
Song copyright permissions granted by CCLI Streaming License
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