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Rejoicing with Great Joy (Full Service)

August 1, 2021 Pastor: Chipper Flaniken Series: Restoration

Topic: Joy Passage: Nehemiah 11:1– 12:47

Sermon: "Rejoicing with Great Joy" | Nehemiah 11-12 | Chipper Flaniken

Reading Neh. 11:1-2 and Neh. 12:27-42

Sermon Points:

I. The Prelude to Joyfulness

II. The Posture of Joyfulness

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Song Credits:

-Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery (Matt Boswell, Matt Papa, and Michael Bleecker)

-Across the Lands (Keith Getty and Stuart Townend)

-Lead Me to The Cross (Brooke Fraser)

-O Praise The Name (Anástasis) (by Benjamin Hastings, Dean Ussher, and Marty Sampson)

Song copyright permissions granted by CCLI Streaming License