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Daily Advent Readings for Adults and Children

City Church – here are some options for daily or weekly Advent readings to do on your own or with your children. This is a wonderful way to spend consistent time in God’s Word during the Advent season – and a wonderful way to have spiritual conversations with your kids. If you’re reading through these with your kids – it’s a great idea to do some crafts that correspond to the readings.


- Everyday Gospel Christmas Devotional (Paul Tripp). City Church has 50 free copies of this resource available on our hospitality table! Feel free to swing by during office hours to pick one up, or you can snag one on Sunday morning.

- Every Moment Holy Advent Journal and Liturgy Writing Supplement (from 2023). Free PDF download to be used as a weekly advent guide. Includes prayers, questions, and a creative "liturgy writing guide". You'll need to adapt the dates for 2024.

- The Weary World Rejoices. Sign up here to receive a free, ebook copy of this wonderful advent devotional co-written by various Gospel Coalition staff.

- The Dawning of Indestructible Joy (John Piper). Free PDF download (or you can buy the book). This is mainly for adults – but you can certainly paraphrase and use with kids.

- Good News of Great Joy (John Piper). Free PDF download (or you can buy the book). Ditto above.

- Gospel in Life Advent Devotionals (Tim Keller's Mininstry). Check out this webpage for a list of Advent meditations. You'll need to adapt the dates for 2024.

- Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Guide. Free PDF download. This is probably the best free guide I’ve seen to use with kids. I’d recommend reading the Bible passages for each day (at least some of them) AND following along with the Jesus Storybook Bible. There’s also a little craft for each day – and you can easily turn these crafts into Christmas ornaments. If you don’t have a copy of the Jesus Storybook Bible – email the church to get a free copy (

- Lifeway Kids Family Advent Guide. Free PDF Download. One activity per week corresponding to the weekly theme we’ll be doing at City Church for our candle lightings, plus readings for each day of the week at the bottom of each weekly guide. The devotionals they include are kind of iffy in my opinion as far as content – so perhaps you would want to lean on the activity and the Scripture readings and skip the devotionals they provide.

Shepherd on the Search. Free kids printables on the website as well as materials for purchase.


- Unto Us: 25 Advent Devotions about the Messiah (The Gospel Coalition - buy book here). Brand new resource from various, excellent authors! 

- A Time for Wonder: A Devotional from Christianity Today (buy digitial copy here). Beautiful, thoughtful new resource from Christianity Today.

- The Advent Jesse Tree (buy book here). This is a classic advent devotional guide for families. Crafts and memory verses are included. This is probably the most popular advent devotional there is today, especially for families.

- The One True Story (buy book here). Another great resource. More for adults than kids.

ONLINE ADVENT RESOURCE COLLECTIONS (some resources for purchase, others free)

- The Westminster Bookstore Advent Collection (follow this link).

- The Gospel Coalition's Advent Resource Collections. Wonderful collections of Advent playlists, albums, books, and a few free resources.

I hope these resources bless you and your family!

- Chipper